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Our store is currently closed. You are welcome to look around but we are not currently accepting orders.

About Us

Store closed for just 7 days - having a break at Flamingoland and York Maze (North Yorkshire, England) with granddaughter! Apologies for any inconvenience. Geoff 13 August '21. Open again Saturday 21 August.


A ‘rekindled’ Lego enthusiast from many moons ago, (50 years actually) I have found myself far more enthusiastic now than I ever was. Due considerably to my new 7 year old granddaughter partner who will often sort pieces from the occasional bundle that I may have acquired locally. She has (like many other children of her age) got well into her MOCs. Unfortunately for me this occasionally has me looking high and low for a Friends series cat or maybe Andrea’s hair for a live order!

We have a hideaway at the bottom of our garden which is our Lego Grotto if you like (written near Xmas) and are fortunate enough to have a village post office immediately across the road from us which of course helps  us immensely to get stuff despatched.

Our little Lego store venture was also brought about whilst looking for additional income for new Lego (often from the Friends series these days), and for a small income during retirement in view of our supporting our granddaughter full time.

The name Six-S? - I already had the domain registered loosely for I simply liked its simplicity and it is short and unique I believe. I could say that the Six S refers to the six sides of a brick - and the many facets to the Lego modular construction method………:-) There is nothing on that website as yet although the plan is to point it to Bricklink, but we will see how the Lego acquisition goes first

Anyhow, we are enjoying the support from and getting to know many new customers - who are already showing signs of longer-term friendship.


 Last Updated: 13 Aug 2021